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gunn oscillator中文是什么意思

用"gunn oscillator"造句"gunn oscillator"怎么读"gunn oscillator" in a sentence


  • 冈恶荡器
  • 耿氏振荡器
  • 体效应振荡器
  • 网恶荡器


  • It also gives the motive of the ka - band vco and mixer , associated with the subject ' s requirement and the realistic conditions , according to which a proposal is confirmed that the gunn diode and the varactor are mounted in the same cavity to fulfill the vco and an antiparallel diode pair is used to fulfill the harmonic mixer . in chapter 2 , based on the basic theory of negative resistance oscillating , we analyses the gunn oscillator and it ’ s tuning character . chapter 3 introduces the theory of millimeter - wave harmonic mixer
用"gunn oscillator"造句  
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